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Smart Ticketing Alliance


Welcome to the Smart Ticketing Alliance (STA). As a non-profit association, we foster collaboration among national and regional smart ticketing systems, striving to implement interoperable solutions across Europe and beyond.

Serving as the integrated platform for European transport authorities, operators, industry players, and policymakers, the STA champions the standardization and advancement of ticketing and seamless travel experiences.

We are currently working on

symbolic representation of a ticketing terminal with a radio wave
eine symbolische Darstellung einer  Rosette, einer Auszeichnung, die zur Würdigung einer Leistung verliehen wird.
symbolic representation of a lexicon with texts from A to B
Symbolic representation of the globe on a smartphone


Europeans enjoy free movement across the EU. Yet there is no European standard or integrated ticketing scheme that people can use to travel from one country to another. We believe that there is room for all technologies in Europe. But we need common rules and regulations and common definitions to enable seamless mobility and interoperability beyond national borders.

Are you passionate about shaping the future of ticketing in Europe? Become a part of the Smart Ticketing Alliance and contribute to our collaborative efforts in driving innovation and accessibility in ticketing solutions.


As the driving partner in the ticketing ecosystem, the Smart Ticketing Alliance (STA) asserts its influence across diverse boards and committees. From the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum of the EU Commission to the NFC Forum, the STA's voice resonates, shaping discussions and decisions that impact the future of ticketing.


National digital ticketing stakeholder dialogue


Transport Ticketing Global London


UITP Global Summit in Hamburg

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