Trust in Ticketing

The Smart Ticketing Alliance (STA) is a non-profit association that promotes and facilitates cooperation between national and regional smart ticketing systems to implement interoperable smart ticketing in Europe and elsewhere. Therefore, STA has become the integrated platform for European transport authorities, transport operators and providers, industry and policy makers to promote, standardise and further develop ticketing and seamless travel in Europe.

We are working on these topics

Passengers should participate in the choice of technology to plan, pay and undertake their journey and public transport operators should have access to new technologies and opportunities to serve their customers. To make both possible, our experts work together with our members on the following topics:

National Digital Tickets

Since the introduction of the Deutschland Ticket in Germany at the latest, our members have been increasingly focussing on national digital tickets. A working stream has already been created on this topic.

Account Based Ticketing

Account-based ticketing is a promising way of e-ticketing that is different from traditional card-based schemes for fare-collection.

Ticketing in MaaS

One of the three biggest challenges in Ticketing in MaaS is that different cities, regions and countries are at different stages of digitisation.

Ecological Aspects

The environmental impact of tickets and payments in public transport are a challenge we are facing, encompassing the systems involved in ticket/payment delivery at the point of consumption/issuance.


Mobile phones are being used as a ticketing medium in public transport. This is thanks to the GSMA, the NFC Forum - and the STA.


The STA certification program brings together Certification Bodies authorised to certify compliance of transportation and acceptance media.


The STA Glossary working group ensures common terminology and thus investment protection through a common understanding.

Together we think - and shape - ticketing in Europe

Europeans enjoy free movement across the EU. Yet there is no European standard or integrated ticketing scheme that people can use to travel from one country to another. We believe that there is room for all technologies in Europe. But we need common rules and regulations and common definitions to enable seamless mobility and interoperability beyond national borders. The STA is the driving partner in the Ticketing eco system and is heard in various boards and committees: from the Multimodal Passenger Mobility Forum of the EU Commission to the NFC Forum. There we bring in the voices of our members as well as the results of our Working Groups.

Do you want to be part of the Smart Ticketing Alliance and help shape the future of ticketing in Europe?

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